The Reaper Says:
Okay folks. I got a good one for you today. Guacamelee: Super Turbo Championship Edition (STCE) is a Metroidvania-style game starring a dimension-hopping luchador on a mission to rescue El Presidenté's daughter from the clutches of one Carlos Calaca, "the greatest Charro who ever lived... then died... the lived again." His words, not mine. No idea what a charro is, but that's beside the point. Let's get right into it.
THE GOOD: I'm not going to lie to you: I outright love this game, from the soundtrack to the goofy characters, to the wrestling moves and all the Spanish words they use. For me, clocking in at 13 hours is a little short for a Metroidvania, doubly so for 100%-ing the game (with a little help), but I kid you not the music in this game completely slaps. Hard, but with an open hand. The side villains used in this game are quite frankly hilarious, right down to the double entendres. For what they are, the graphics on this game are nothing to sneeze at: A Metroidvania game need not crazy levels of graphics, enough to get the point across is enough.
I won't be talking about the story here (You should play the game for yourself), but I will say that it's fairly cookie-cutter for a story of its type.
THE BAD: Alright, I bet you're thinking, "But Mr. Reaper, you say this game is awesome, what could possibly be bad about it?" Unfortunately, there are a few parts that really ground my gears (and my adventure) to a grinding halt. A particular location in the game has a series of challenges to test your skills. Some of these challenges involve attaining a level of combo that essentially requires you to deal with a number of annoying enemies perfectly, otherwise your combo cannot reach the required level (in this case 200). The game, with challenges like these, can be frustrating at times (I did at one point want to throw my controller at my monitor.) The only thing I'll spoil is that there is a challenge location with *shudder* Yoku Blocks. For those that don't know, Yoku Blocks are platforms that will appear for an interval of time, then completely disappear, causing a different set of platforms to appear setting up a pattern of jumps to get from place to place (Heat Man, Mega Man 2 is a great example). These frustrations, combined with floaty jumps, is why I knocked 1/2 a star off. Also of note is that if you can play Celeste, you should have no problem.
I should also mention that I almost never played the game at all: I have this on Epic Games and I put it on Steam. Trying to run the game in full screen was *IMPOSSIBLE*; everything was too fast (Turbo living up to its name). Playing it in WINDOWED mode was the only possible way to play, and I'm glad I did.
THE AWESOME: If there's anything I have to gush about regarding this game, it's the number of other video game references (and it's A LOT!) These references include, but are not limited to: Mario Bros., Castlevania, Mega Man, Minecraft, Legend of Zelda, LoZ: Majora's Mask, Metroid and many more! Play it and find out for yourself!
I found that the music never got stale, and the game was the right level of challenge, and has replayability in the form of a Hard Mode, unlocked after finishing the main game.
I've been up till the wee hours of the morning playing this game, so if you ever find it, give it a play. You'll be glad and amused that you did.
Date Started: 08/17/2023
Date Finished: 08/24/2023 #100%
Reaper's Rating: 4.5/5 Scythes.
Last Words: Yoku Blocks = no bueno.