Incoherent thoughts on games.
Prefer physical games, but will consider GOG also. Steam as a last resort or if the version is considerably better on there.
Prefer to play on PS5 unless there's no difference between the PS5 and Switch versions of a game. If a game struggles with 60FPS on PS5 I'll look to play on PC instead.
Super short, very bizarre game. Donut County takes a pretty simplistic concept and explores a lot of fun ways it can be utilised. The hole swallowing mechanic is slowly built up throughout, and culminates in a final set of levels that essentially quiz you on all you've learned so far. I wasn't a huge fan of the text speak in dialogue, but presentation is pretty great overall. The (very simple) story felt as though it was getting in the way a bit at first, but I think it starts to genuinely elevate the game once flashbacks stop occurring. Wasn't a huge fan of the text speech in dialogue though.
I'd say Donut County is probably worth the price that it often goes on sale for, but I kind of wish it was longer regardless.
A Little to the Left is a super satisfying puzzle game. It rides the line between challenging and meditative well; generally being not that difficult, but not being so easy that you find each solution immediately.
The game generally tries to accept solutions that are almost there, for those that require some element of precision, but I found this to be a bit off at times. The game offers hints - which are effectively just the puzzle solutions - and obscures these with scribbled pen, which you can choose to clear off. There were quite a few levels where I was sure I had the solution, went to look at the hint to see what I wasn't understanding, and found that I wasn't as exact in my execution of the solution as the game wanted. This was a little bit annoying, and made the achievement for looking at 10 hints feel like a bit of an unfair dunce hat.
For some reason fully uncovered hints are differentiated from partially uncovered ones, despite any amount of uncovering generally providing the answer. I'd have liked a more granular hint system.
I'd have liked A Little to the Left more if more of the puzzles had multiple solutions, and if certain solutions were explained after solving - there were one or two puzzles where I didn't understand the logic behind the solution. As is, it was just pretty neat, though I'd not have personally aid the asking price for amount of the content that the game offers.